The AFL-CIO has put out a memo to Congress that communicates in no uncertain terms that working families are mad as hell... at Congress. They should be, especially at the right side of the aisle. Especially at tea baggers.
Because of BushCo's utter failures and abysmal policies, and because Mitch McConnell and Co. openly admit to 1) making President Obama a one-termer, and 2) political terrorism in the form of hostage-taking, this country is declining faster than Congress's poll numbers.
So the AFL-CIO is sending them a little message: Hey Colorado, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Iowa, Florida? Heads up, folks, voters will be showing up to give you an earful about cutting Medicare and Social Security, and protesting tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy, anti-worker legislation and a lack of action on the jobs front, among other things.
Via First Read, here's the memo, in part:
Working families across the country are angry at the partisan attacks pursued by politicians in Washington and in state capitals instead of action to tackle the tough issues most important to working people: creating jobs and restoring balance in our economy.
So between now and Labor Day, thousands of working people will be at town halls, fundraisers, and other community events to ensure their voice is heard through the din of corporate CEOs.
This is long overdue. Go get 'em.
Please read the rest here.
The post AFL-CIO to Congress: Working families are mad as hell appeared first on The Political Carnival.